"The Outsider" is a timely and hilarious comedy that explores the absurdities of politics and the unexpected rise of an unlikely hero. When a political scandal leaves a state in chaos, an unassuming and inexperienced man is thrust into the spotlight. Can he navigate the treacherous waters of politics and become the leader everyone needs?
We are currently accepting applications for two Member at Large board of director positions. Members at Large are expected to:
Allen Contemporary Theatre seeks to entertain and enrich the cultural life of the community through a wide variety of challenging and creative theatrical experiences.
We welcome all who wish to participate, help, or express themselves through theatre, both on and off stage.
ACT's motto is
Whether it's on the stage or in the audience, we look forward to seeing you at your theater in the heart of Allen.
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1210 E Main St #300, Allen, TX 75002, US
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